Akstursþjónustan okkar á Keflavíkurflugvelli

Akstur á milli flugstöðvar og skrifstofu okkar

Shuttle service that goes every fifteen minutes around-the-clock between airline terminals and to rental car lots. When you exit the customs area, continue straight ahead and outside the airport entrance. From there, you walk through a covered footpath and at the end of the path you will find the shuttle service. (see video below). This service is free of charge for all Lotus customers.

Við skuttlum bílnum til þín á höfuðborgarsvæðinu

We offer a delivery service for customers staying Reykjavik and Keflavik city. We will then deliver the car to your accommodation at the requested time. Please make sure to provide your address in the booking process and to be ready for us when we arrive as we might have other customers to pick up as well. On very busy days, please expect a delay up to 30 minutes as we might have many travelers to pick up.

Akstur á milli flugstöðvar og skrifstofu okkar

Staðsetning okkar á Keflavíkurflugvelli